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October Meeting Minutes

Troop Status/Troop Service Unit Dues

o Still collecting troop dues.

o Goal is to have them turned in by November meeting.

o Budget for the SU will be available at the November meeting.

o 9/22 – 298 girls; 157 adults

----Target 416 girls

o 39 troops currently registered

Wrap up

o Stem Event for Brownie/Junior Kits

----Badges are now available for the event

o Duluth Fall Festival Parade (9/29)

----6 troops came to walk in the parade.

----Spot number was 45.

o Duluth Safety Day

----74 girls attended, and the troop earned $740.

----Older girls learned how to spot abusive relationships and defend themselves.

----Very age appropriate

o Treats and Keeps Product Sales

----Email notice went out in Unify to register where the troop funds are pulled from.

----Last day to select girl delivery is on the 12th

----All troop orders are due by the 14th.

----Pickup date is TBD.

----Service Unit Chairperson needed for next year to shadow Chrissy.

o Badge-A-Palooza Follow up

----Scheduled for 11/11

----Girls are now registering for the classes.

o Annual Fund

----Chipotle Spirit Night

--------10/23 from 5 – 9.

--------PIB and Sugarloaf

--------Drawing will be done for Girl Scouts who purchased a food item and turn in a receipt.

Girl Scout Night with the Hawks

Man Enough to be a Girl Scout Event

o Dad’s will be able to complete a fun event during half time.

----November 3rd at 7:30 PM

----Register through the link of for the SU to get credit.

Notre Dame Play

----October 19th and 20th

----December 8th and 9th

Pancake Breakfast

----January 12th

Gold Award Training

----October 20th at Suwanee Library

----2 slots left

New Information

Cookie Manager Information Needed

----Due by 10/31.

----No Cookie Rally this year for Council level.

May try to do it at a SU level.

----Walmart/Sam’s/etc. may be completed through Sign-up Genius.

Girl Scout Day at Duluth High School Theater

----Madagascar is the show

----December 2nd, time to be determined

----Reduced prices

----Tickets will be sold in the November meeting.

----Fun patches for sale in the lobby.

Service Unit Bake Off

----3 recipes per level available during the November meeting.

----Service Unit bake off the day of International Bazaar

Team Captains

----Teams can earn up to $250 for earning the most points.

If we have two teams that win a specific event the points will be divided between the two.

If more than two teams there will be a drawing.



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