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A Message from your Volunteer Support Spec. :)

Greetings Duluth Volunteers! 1. Three more days remain in the spring renewal campaign! Please register your troops before next Saturday to take advantage of the renewal patch incentive. Many of the girls enjoy receiving patches. Have you and your co-leader and daughters renewed for 2018-19? Why, you ask? Read on .  .  2. We heard you!  You may now designate who in your troop* should receive the Treats and Keeps materials. Let us know by July 9th!  Your troop must show as an active troop, which means there must be two co-leaders minimum and some girls renewed for 2018-19. For all troops who respond by July 9, the designated troop contact will receive a mailer during the week of August 6 to include program materials and the requested number of girl packets. Troops that do not complete the reservation form by July 9 will have a troop contact randomly selected – either the designated Troop Treats & Keeps Chair or one of the designated DPs (Co-Leaders).  These troops will only receive packets for the actual number of girls registered for 2019 membership.  And. . .  (keep reading. . . ) 3. Your renewals will help the service unit retention and recruitment teams plan for next membership year. This will also help you if you are a troop who is thinking about planning an event – we’ll have more accurate numbers to provide. 3. Troop finance reports are due to Melissa Stevens. Form can be found here: 4. There is something for everyone!  Registration is open for the Volunteer Leadership Conference, Saturday, August 11th at the Infinite Energy Center. Yes, the one in Duluth!  No driving to the Galleria this year, so please consider attending. Your $10 registration fee equals a $10 Bash and Sash coupon when you attend, Awesome conference swag, the Volunteer Village - great resources for troops and service units (formerly known as FaceTime), Networking with other volunteers, Learning and Fun to start your new troop year. Check it out and register on the council’s website.      See you there!      Colleen Gerrior, Volunteer Support Colleen Gerrior​Volunteer Support Specialist, Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta
5601 N. Allen Road SE, Mableton, GA 30126 404-862-1684; 800-771-1139



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